Monday, November 07, 2005

Work and the grocery store

Work, well work is easeir than I thought, and goes by faster than I thought. These are both good things, however I fear I may become bored. But, we shall see.
After work today, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a couple of things for dinner, and lingered a while over the seafood seletion. They had a tank (or two) of live fish to be plucked out and given to the customers, crab and halibut even. I didn't know until today, eeing them laying on the bottom of the tank and drifting up now and then, how flat flatfish were. On the way out of the store, the lady behind me in line, attached a bunch of 5% off stickers to my groceries. She had a whole sheet of them. I said thank you (in Japanese) and she said "No problem" (in English). It was wierd but nice.
On the ride home I got a little lost, as I had never rode home by myself before, much less in the dark. I tried to ask two passersby for help, but all I could get out was an "Um, excuse me, but . . ." (in Japanese), before they mumbled something inoffensive sounding, raised their hand, ducked their head a little andk ept on walking. Didn't even break stride.
But, anyway, on a lighter note. I'm never taking eggs home in my bicycle basket again. Well, unless it's a short ride.

1 comment:

  1. yo, that happens, you got to jump in with the question and corner the person, dont use a high pitch polite voice and get your answer, atleast they mumbled something, in tokyo the "ignore gaijin disease" is stronger, dont even get mumbles sometimes when people walk through you...
