Monday, November 21, 2005

Birdwatching in the City

I saw a hawk, or someother such raptor, yesterday. I was standing on top of the Fuji Grand and looking out towards the city, when I spotted what looked like hawk, nigh 10 meters away. He was flying in large slow circles, each one overlapping the last slightly, so he covered some new ground with each circle. A beautiful bird, dark brown on top, a dusty red brown underneath and long finger-like feathers on his wingtips; big too, a wingspan of probably 60cm or more. I watched him for probably five or six minutes before he got too small to see. I can't imagine what he was hunting, there are really no green or even spaces near the Fuji (that I'm aware of), perhaps though, there are enough pigeons, sparrows, and rats to keep him feed. I couldn't help but think about all of the tiny dogs I see around though.


  1. Wow that was very poetic and artistic. Nicely done. But riddle me this: what do the King of Jordan and the creator of family guy have in common?

  2. You got me Nick. Um, they're both named Seth? They both got brought back after cancellation?

  3. They have both appeared in an episode of "Star Trek."

  4. Hold on. Creator of family guy was on Star Trek? How? He was a Vulcan invador from the Death Star? heheehee


    Hey. Evan 10 points for using the word "neigh" in a blog. I never thought I'd see it done. And with such grace! :) heehee

    Birds can be fun to watch, get a picture next timers.

  5. The "dogs" comment reminds me of Costa Rica. Perhaps you should mail one to Amie. Just a thought.


  6. I thought they were hawks but somebody told me that no, they were kites.
