Rainy season has started in earnest here. Or so they tell me. There doesn't seem to too much extra rain going around, it's a little harder, yes, and a little more frequent but I'm not sure if a rise in the average humidty deserves a seperate distinction. When looking at the hirearchy of time divisions, season is a pretty strong word. Certainly it's not as long as a year, and perhaps a decade or an 'age' carries more emotional weight. Nevertheless, I believe that by their cyclical nature that a season certainly carries more punch, because while the psychological connections with decades and such may be more focused and stronger, a season's are constant, and within a cultural subset, these connections are generally the same for any given person, allowing a reference point that stands the test of centuries. So, yeah, I don't know if a couple of downpours is worthy of wearing the mantle of 'season'.

In other frustration I tried to drink a grape soda the other week. A couple lessons before break I was parched and headed over to the vending machine. The peach juice I like was in stock, but I decided to be adventurous try that grape-type beverage that I'd been dithering about whether or not to try. I purchased it, brought it back to the office, titled it back and only a trickle came out of the can. The can seemed heavy, and solid. I tried to drink again with equal success and decided to apply some suction. I then discovered that it was not liquid in the can at all, but a can full of 'jell-o' or a 'jell-o' like product. It is beyond me why a company could stay in business selling small mouthed cans of fruit jelly with no straws or spoons attached. I've learned my lesson about reading packaging and looking for pictures of spoons on the label (see right).
And, as I get into the swing of doing this as blogging and not just keeping an online journal, I'd like to add a link to a blog I found catalouging
cats that look like Hitler.
hi evan this is kayo, your supposed to shake the can before you drink it i think. so its not stuck in the can. actually that drinks is my favorite, every time i see them i try them all and they all taste good. i didnt know theres no jello drinks in the states... Interesante!
yo. Those jelly cans are freakydelic, those tripped me out the first time too. Apparently (according to kayo) they have a big following over here in Japaners, so I think you owe your readers a second drink with a shaky shaky action going on. haha.. i like your new pics..peace
ReplyDeleteShaking sounds like a good idea, thanks for the heads up Kayo. I will return and give it a try. Thinking about a shaken jelly bev in a can sounds like a mighty fine 'taste treat.' Although, if I fail again (and I'm not discounting that possibility), I'm holding you, Kayo, directly responsible.
ReplyDeleteDansen, thanks for the big ups on the pics.
OOH! Now I want to try one! Maybe they sell them at Uwajimaya. Also apparently Kayo speaks spanish--I did not know that! Este es excellente!