Thursday, January 18, 2007


The Japanese word for all you can eat is 「バイキン」, that is, "Viking."
I love the images conjured up by this word. Dozens of horned and bearded warriors gathered around a long wooden table. Shouting, pounding down mead and fighting for food.
This contrasts delihtfully with dozens of Japanese people queing up quietly at a nicely laid out buffet.


  1. viking is indeed a cool word.

    i wonder what it would like if japanese people said "thor, god of thunder" instead for a buffey thingie hehehe woo im stoopid

  2. I think if people said "thor, god of thunder," less people would go to buffets because it would take too long to say.

  3. i believe it's spelled 'shmorgasborg.' like a cy-borg who wears shmorgas whilst meandering the frosty backcountry on bright winter nights.
    you missed the all-female tuvan throat-singing group Tyva Kyzy at the capitol theater last night. they got the audience to bleat like sheep at one point, and then they sang a song about sheep (with bleating). one of them used a large hunting bow as a jews harp and playfully aimed an arrow at us between songs.

  4. schnorrer is a fun word

  5. smorgasbord - smorgas meaning open sandwich and bord meaning table. huhuhu woo im stuppd
