I had my haircut a few days back now. Went to a monk that lives in Asa on Jim's reccomendation. There was no telling them what I wanted, Hiroki, the monk, just felt my head and started cutting - it turned out nice, but I'm not gonna bother with a picture here and now, it'll just have to turn up in the course of things. It was about time to my boss, my boss's boss and my boss's boss's boss had all told me to get a haircut. Now it's trim the sideburns and buy a new suit, it's never done. Hiroki and his wife Kiyoka are some of the nicest people that I've met so far in the greater Ube area. We chatted about anime and video games, and after the haircut Hiroki showed me his airsoft guns. They also told me there's a kofun in Asa (which for reference is a little nothing town a stone's throw northwest of Ube [half an hour by train]) - and to this kofun they will take me. On their ATV's. But, first they're taking me to Saga prefecture to see a temple, and maybe a ninja village.
Saga is between Fukuoka and Nagasaki, and to hear the students tell it, it makes Yamaguchi seem packed full of things to do.
In NOVA news, they cut the office supply budget. Completely. We were kinda wondering why there were no pens and staples seemed in short supply, and now we know. So us teachers and the Japanese staff are now completely responsible for the purchase of pens, staples, whiteout, tape, and, well the list goes on. It's a move I don't understand. Sure, they lost money last quarter but I think a multi-trillion yen corporation can afford eight hundred thousand yen a month for staples (both literal and fugrative staples here - man I'm deep). Perhaps they could cut down on expansion and refocus, you know, and other business things.